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Sunday, September 18, 2005

Donovan McNuggets

The Philadelphia Eagles have Terrell Owens, (or TO, as the cool kids call him). Towens, (as I call him), has been known for doing and saying some unusual things. Philly fans, and the larger sporting community, have come to expect it.

“I wanted a NBA basketball gym at my house and that's what I worked hard for and I was able to achieve that.” - TO

So the guy plays professional football so that he could build a basketball court at his home. Mildly crazy, but hey, that’s a superstars right. But normally, when you hear something crazy from Mr. Owens, you can always count on Donovan McNabb, the fearless leader of the Eagles, to show the saner side of pro football.

Except for now. Last weekend, Atlanta’s Chad Lavalais hit him a bit too hard, injuring him and I think jarring his brain. McNabb’s comments on getting hit:

"I'm not a fine guy, I don't go back and try to point fingers on what people did," McNabb said. "If it didn't happen, it's not going to stop my preparation for San Francisco. It's nothing that's going to make me go out and buy a Wendy's triple-stacked cheeseburger. I'm not going to buy them any flowers or take somebody from the league out to eat."

What? Triple cheeseburgers and flowers? What's next McNabb, taking somebody from the league out to eat? Oh, you did say that. Donovan, have you had too much Campbell’s Chunky soup, or are you secretly taking some of TO’s crazy pills? Either way, I’m fine with it. Nonsensical sports stars are so much more interesting than articulate ones.

Donovan McNabb: selling soup like crazy

Donovan McNabb: just being crazy


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