A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Reflections on September 11th

It’s hard to sit in an airplane on the four year anniversary of 9-11 and not spend at least a few moments reflecting on the worst terrorist attack in our country’s history. So here I am, flying to Columbus, Ohio and thinking about how exactly four years ago tonight, no one was flying anywhere, and everyone was thinking about what would happen next and how the world would change.

Well, four years later, it’s pretty safe to say many things have changed since September 11th. The transportation industry, and especially air travel, has clearly been affected. Airport security has become much more rigorous and thorough in their screening process. Laptop computers, (like the one I’m typing on now) must be removed from their bags. Shoes, (like the ones that I’m currently not wearing) must be removed. Pocketknives, (like the ones that have repeatedly been taken from me because I don’t always remember to leave them at home) are no longer permitted, as are matches and lighters, (like the ones that I use to start house fires). Electronic equipment, (like the mp3 player thats currently playing me 80's pop) cannot be used during take off or landing, and for some reason still unknown to me, window shades must be open during this time as well, (if you know the logic behind this, please clue me in). No more gun or bomb jokes at the airport, (which I find hard, because those are my favorite jokes to tell). No more going into the airplane cockpit to chat with the pilot and ask him or her for a try at flying the plane. Yes, things have changed in air travel, and to a lesser extent, all other travel as well.

However, the ramifications from September 11th extend far beyond the travel industry. We have fought, (and are still fighting) two wars which probably would not have happened had the events of four years ago never transpired. While the Taliban and Saddam certainly presided over oppressive regimes, we never would have attacked as soon as we did, in the manner we did, (if at all) had it not been for 9-11. The US’s relationships with other countries are more strained now than before, whether it be between the US and countries we’ve recently attacked, are currently attacking, thinking about attacking, or with countries that are mad at us for attacking, (or not attacking) other countries. For example, US-Djibouti tensions have never been higher. Ok, I made that last one up, (I just wanted a reason to mention the country Djibouti; it’s just so fun to spell and say).

International relationships aren’t the only ones affected, either. Within the US itself, prejudices against people from the Middle East, or whoo practice Islam, or who just look foreign, (i.e. not white) have certainly increased. Because of the actions of a few extremists, countless others must suffer the undeserved consequences. I find it funny, (not poop-joke funny, but strange-funny) that after the Oklahoma City bombing, no one was eyeing really, really white people suspiciously, (trust me, I would have noticed, because I’m really, really white). I suppose when members of a group other than the majority commit the crime, society reacts differently, and that’s a shame.

So yes, things are different now. The events that transpired four years ago forever changed the world, and even resulted in me writing a (mostly) serious composition. But not completely serious; because once my writing becomes completely serious, that’s when the terrorists have won. They may have stolen my right to make it through airline security without a full cavity search, but my right to be silly? No sir, they’ll never take that from me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ESUyourmom here, that was a very nice composition Ryan...Keep it up.

8:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't let the terrorists steal your funny-ness!

You're grrrrrreeat!


2:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This read wasn't entirely enjoyable because you put too many explanatory phrases in parenthesis.

Plus, you are really pasty.

8:15 PM

Blogger Ryan said...

yeah, sorry, i like to use parentheses, (what's not to like)

11:23 PM


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