A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

War Wounds and Fond Memories

My body is not happy with me. However, as I drag it from place to place this week, (NY to DC to OH and soon to FL), its protests fall on deaf, (and somewhat sunburned) ears. After all, despite sore muscles, an aching back, bug bites, sunburn, scratches, cuts, a splinter, and mysterious shoulder pains, the temporary discomfort in which I have found myself is a small price to pay for a kick ass weekend. Sorry body, but my mind has ruled that good times and fond memories are totally worth a few bumps and bruises. Body, how have I hurt thee? Let me count the ways:

  • Sore legs (football + water volleyball – stretching + 2 days later= trouble walking)

  • Aching abs and back (from crossing a deceptively wide inlet that sedentary computer programmers were never meant to cross).

  • Itchy arms (from those hungry little bastards that patrol the night).

  • Peeling skin (too much time in the unforgiving August sun).

  • Splinters (running on the dock in the dark when I’m drunk)

  • Injured shoulder (unclear…I think I wrestled a hungry, hungry hippo).

So yes, I am a little battered, but I’d do it all again in a heartbeat. Good times with great friends is totally worth a little physical abuse.

Painful memories? Not this past weekend.
Pain, and full of memories? Yes ma’am. May I please have another…


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