A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Monday, February 13, 2006


I'm pretty sure this picture is prior to the shooting. But maybe not...
How funny is it that Dick shot a load onto some other guys face? I thought of it in the shower this morning, but was saddened with the realization that those late night talk show hosts probably already beat me to the punch and used that joke last night. But in case they didn't, well, I'll say it again: Dick shot a load on some guys face. Maybe he should have gone Quayle hunting instead, (or would that VP on VP action be too much for ya?!) Guns don't kill people, Cheyney kills people. Man, I could go on all morning...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Whatever Gets Your Goat

Have you ever seen fainting goats before?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hello Lillie

I have four female cousins who live down in West Palm Beach, Florida, and they all share a common AOL screename. One of my cousins, Lillie, often ventures onto the internet and IMs me from said screename. I always enjoy talking to her, because her perspective as a 3rd grader always makes me chuckle. Plus, she is fiesty, and I enjoy fiesty people.

CousinsSharedIM (4:51:25 PM): hi ryan or kyle
CousinsSharedIM (4:52:54 PM): hello
ryan (4:52:55 PM): hi lilly
CousinsSharedIM (4:53:33 PM): i am lillie are you
ryan i think you are

ryan (4:53:42 PM): yes i am ryan
ryan (4:53:44 PM): you are good
CousinsSharedIM (4:53:51 PM): yep
CousinsSharedIM (4:54:53 PM): sunday i am going
to see aunt carle this sunday

CousinsSharedIM (4:56:06 PM): hello
CousinsSharedIM (4:56:24 PM): 1
ryan (4:56:43 PM): yep
ryan (4:56:45 PM): she told me
CousinsSharedIM (4:57:25 PM): i have a new kid in
my class

ryan (4:58:51 PM): oh yeah? what's his or her name?
CousinsSharedIM (4:59:08 PM): his name is jesse
ryan (4:59:55 PM): is he nice?
CousinsSharedIM (5:01:33 PM): he is shi he
cryed so he ran then he was nice

ryan (5:02:53 PM): oh ok
CousinsSharedIM (5:03:35 PM): is aunt carle there
ryan (5:04:13 PM): Aunt carole isn't in the room right

CousinsSharedIM (5:04:45 PM): tell her i said hi
CousinsSharedIM (5:04:57 PM): k
ryan (5:06:12 PM): ok i'll do that
CousinsSharedIM (5:07:06 PM): how do you know
we are going to see her

ryan (5:07:24 PM): well, I know she is going to

ryan (5:07:29 PM): and you live in florida
ryan (5:07:34 PM): so I assumed you would see her
CousinsSharedIM (5:07:51 PM):
CousinsSharedIM (5:08:42 PM): yep
ryan (5:10:16 PM): you changed your font color and

ryan (5:10:22 PM): and the length of your word
ryan (5:10:25 PM): but the word was the same
ryan (5:10:30 PM): it was still "yep"
CousinsSharedIM (5:10:47 PM): ya
CousinsSharedIM (5:13:36 PM): write
ryan (5:15:20 PM): right
CousinsSharedIM (5:16:06 PM): why did you write right
CousinsSharedIM (5:16:14 PM): .
ryan (5:17:18 PM): why did you write write?
CousinsSharedIM (5:17:52 PM): that meanes write to me
ryan (5:18:11 PM): what means "write"
CousinsSharedIM (5:18:38 PM): it meanes write to me
ryan (5:19:08 PM): what does?
CousinsSharedIM (5:19:20 PM): write
ryan (5:19:50 PM): "write" is when you type

ryan (5:19:59 PM): "right" is when you are saying you
agree with something

CousinsSharedIM (5:20:04 PM): ya
CousinsSharedIM (5:20:16 PM): no
ryan (5:20:46 PM): It's not?
CousinsSharedIM (5:21:20 PM): it is
ryan (5:22:49 PM): then why did you write "no"?
ryan (5:22:58 PM): and why did you write "write"?
CousinsSharedIM (5:23:31 PM): never mind!
CousinsSharedIM (5:24:08 PM): >:o
ryan (5:24:41 PM): :-(
CousinsSharedIM (5:25:11 PM): :-$
CousinsSharedIM signed off at 5:25:16 PM.

Does your brain hurt now? Good.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I'm a little teacup...

I periodically check CNN.com throughout the day to stay abreast of the latest headlines. I just checked the main page, when I noticed one of the following headlines: Lindsay Lohan injured in teacup accident

Normally, I steer clear of celebrity gossip. However, when I saw "teacup accident", I must admit, I was intrigued. Had the headline read "Lindsay Lohan injured in car accident", I would have passed it over, as this has become a common thing, (I suppose she is a terrible driver). But TEACUP accident? What could that even mean?

I had visions in my head of Lindsay riding the teacup ride in Disney World, when all of a sudden the machine malfunctions and the cups break free and collide with each other, sending out a wave of limbs and other body parts onto other small children waiting their turn in line. Sure, that might be morbid, but it definitely would have been newsworthy.

Alas, CNN has let me down again. Apparently, a combination of coming out of the shower, using too much lotion, and being clumsy led to the "teacup accident" which turns out to be Ms. Lohan fell down some stairs and landed on a broken teacup.

CNN, once again, I feel let down. First you waste my time with these pointless articles, and then you don't even include any hot pictures! If you're not going to satisfy my intellectual cravings, at least give me some eye candy.
