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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Too Much Gin and Jews

Mel loves women almost as much as drinking
Mel Gibson goes to a party. He has a few drinks. He then decides to get behind the wheel and drive home. Not surprisingly , alcohol impaired Mr. Gibson's ability to drive, and his swerving caught the attention of a police officer.

Mel wondering if she's Jewish
According to CNN:

During his arrest, Gibson asked the arresting deputy whether he was a Jew and said, "F---ing Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world," according to a sheriff's report obtained by the entertainment Web site TMZ.com.

Now, Mel Gibson is getting a lot of flack for his behavior. Poor Mel. What did he do that was so bad? I mean sure, he got behind the wheel of a car after drinking and endangered innocent lives, but hey, if the president can do it, why can't one of those crazy Hollywood actors? Furthermore, I know he blamed the Jews for all the wars in the world. But honestly, after a good night of drinking, it's very easy to blame Jews for things. I do it all the time. After a long night at the bars, I'll often curse Jews for inventing circumcision, for not doing my taxes for me, and for Hurricane Katrina. Also, I think the Bubonic Plague and dinosaurs were also the work of those troublesome Jews.

Isn't hugging Aryans the best?!
What I found annoying was this guy quoted in the CNN article:

Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, told The Associated Press. "Once he completes his rehabilitation for alcohol abuse, we will be ready and willing to help him with his second rehabilitation to combat this disease of prejudice."

"Come on ladies, who wants to go for a drive?
Is prejudice really a disease? I thought colon cancer and diabetes were diseases, and prejudice was just somebody not liking another group of people. If it's a disease, should I be worried about getting to close to Mr. Gibson and catching his hatred of others? Maybe it's not contagious but rather it can be passed on genetically. I'm concerned that his children will be predisposed to disliking Chanukah and accountants and whatnot.

"Hello Officer"

Well, the disease might not be physically debilitating, but it might very well be occupationally crippling. Rumor has it that a lot of Hollywood people are Jewish, and they don't like spending time with people with diseases. Especially if the disease is anti-semitism. Or leprosy. No, just anti-semitism. Jews tend to frown on those who frown upon Jews. Go figure.


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