A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Monday, February 13, 2006


I'm pretty sure this picture is prior to the shooting. But maybe not...
How funny is it that Dick shot a load onto some other guys face? I thought of it in the shower this morning, but was saddened with the realization that those late night talk show hosts probably already beat me to the punch and used that joke last night. But in case they didn't, well, I'll say it again: Dick shot a load on some guys face. Maybe he should have gone Quayle hunting instead, (or would that VP on VP action be too much for ya?!) Guns don't kill people, Cheyney kills people. Man, I could go on all morning...


Blogger FrannyD said...

ryry where are you, ohio?

9:50 AM


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