A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Have you Lost your mind?

Yesterday, I found out that my flight back to DC was overbooked. Fortunately for me, I had a guaranteed seat, but there were a few people who were not so lucky. The US Airways gate attendants were paging all DC passengers to see if anyone would forfeit their seats to these unlucky travelers. One look into the pleading eyes of the poor woman by the ticket counter told me what needed to be done: I must relinquish my seat to her so that she can return home in time to feed her starving babies.

Well, MAYBE that was my reason for giving up my seat. But also, the promise of a free round trip ticket to any volunteer was also heavily factored into my decision. The idea of helping someone and getting a free ticket definitely outweighed the fact that I would get home 4 hours later. So, instead of going to DC, I was on the next flight to Philly, and from there down to DC.

"The captain has turned on the fasten seabelt sign. We may be experiencing some slight turbulence...
So you may be asking yourself, “What did Ryan do during all this extra travel time”? If you weren’t asking yourself that, take a moment, and pose that question to yourself. The answer? I started watch the show “Lost”, the hit drama on ABC about survivors of a plane crash on some creepy island. I’ve never seen the show before, but a coworker recently sent me the first season, and luckily for me, they were on my laptop, ready to be watched at my leisure. Well, having all this extra plane time, I decided to watch them on the plane. Of course, I didn’t really think it through and take into consideration that my aisle seat on both flights made my laptop visible to several people in the surrounding rows. Normally, this would not be a problem, except that in the first few episodes, it turns out that there are pretty graphic scenes of airplanes getting ripped apart, exploding, killing people etc. As the airplane I’m riding in hits turbulence and starts rocking up and down, people on the airplane in the show are being battered as their plane is destroyed, and people on MY plane are staring at me like I’m crazy. Oh well, my entertainment supercedes their desire to have a stress free plane ride. I'm selfish like that.

To recap, being a Bachelor, (and having no Sons and Daughters) made it easy to give up my ticket to the Desperate Housewife, and, while my decision to watch Lost was probably Less than Perfect, in my View, The Evidence will show that I made the right decision. Or at least, I have Hope and Faith that this is the case.

ABC you next week!


Blogger FrannyD said...

Me likey!
TV jokes are funny, and I'm glad that you don't have videos that freeze my computer anymore.

11:03 PM


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