A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Good, Clean Fun with SOAP

Wait, these aren't peanuts!

Have you heard about "Snakes on a Plane?" No? Well, if you've been living under a rock, (like snakes that DON'T hang out on planes), let me clue you in:

This summer, they will release a movie about snakes on a plane, (hence the title).

This is perhaps the most ridiculous movie plot of all time, and because of this, the movie has been garnering a cult following that I'm sure this will translate into a box office bonanza, (or at least, larger than anticipated revenues).

Snakes On A Blog documents all developments about this movie, with the end goal being to send the blogger to the movie premiere, (his dream, according to MSNBC, will become reality as New Line Cinema caught wind of his "reporting" and will grant him his wish).
In order to give a more accurate depiction of the premise of the movie, here is the movie trailer, transcribed:

* New Line logo
* Setting up the plot
*People boarding a plane
*Flight attendant says to Sam, "Welcome aboard Agent Flynn"
*FBI taking over first class, young guy saying he's a witness for the FBI.
*Cuts back to Samuel L. Jackson talking to the young guy in a dark room - "Those
people know who you are. If you testify it'll put him in jail for life"
*Rest of passengers boarding plane typical group honeymooners, mom/kids,
businessmen, etc.
All of this first half is intercut with the text:
"6 Miles above the ocean...
2 miles from land...
a trap has been set...
there is no way out"

Countdown clock in baggage compartment. Reaches zero and
a box blows open. Cat meows and hisses.
Snakes silently spreading throughout
the plane into purses, under seats, cockpit, etc.
Then the money shots begin:
snakes, snakes, and more snakes striking at ankles, jumping at
pilot, slithering up the aisles chasing passengers"
Sam taking charge and
barking orders
Sam on the phone to someone: "You know all those security
scenarios we ran? Well I'm smack in the middle of one."
More snake shots
Explosions, plane door blowing out, cabin losing pressure, beverage
carts crashing up the aisle
Sam: "Enough is enough! I've had it with these snakes!"
Second half intercut with text:

"This summer..."
the height..."
of fear"

Ground Control: "Somebody wanna tell me what's going on up there?"

Title card:
Snakes on a Plane

The best part of this movie is that I don't think their goal is to be silly. But honestly, how could anyone involved in this movie take it seriously?

"This summer..."
the height..."
of stupidity"

Snakes on a plane.


Blogger RC said...

This should be the tag line: there will be snakes, there will be a plane, and it will be bad."

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com

6:23 PM


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