A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

The City of Strangels

A few weeks ago I went to visit my brother in LA. I haven't really had a chance to write about it, but today, while stranded at the airport, I figured, why not throw up some pictures for your unenjoyment. Yeah, it took less effort than writing something, but if a picture is worth a thousand words, then you're getting a 7000+ word summary of my trip:

hello brother. hello hollywood

That chinese theater all the cool kids are talking about. I think I would choose chinese food over chinese architecture.

Doing olympic-caliber gymnastics at muscle beach

I meet the Pacific for the first time. It got my shoes wet. I kicked it in anger. That made things worse.

I was minding my own business, when all of a sudden, I was suspended in the air! Crazy LA...

Chuck Norris's star inspired me to do my patented jump kick. Some passing elderly people died from sheer amazement.

Driving to the bars. Because in LA, you have to drive everywhere.

What better place to spend president's day weekend than at a place where they make movies about presidents?

Thanks for the fun time Kyle. If Siskel and Ebert rated brothers and Siskel hadn't died of cancer, I'm sure they would give you two thumbs up.

Roeper doesn't like you, though. Get over it.


Blogger erica said...

looks like you had fun. i guess that means you'll come visit me when i move out there. right? right.

6:10 PM

Blogger FrannyD said...

hi why is er moving there and i can only read your blog at work because that goat video freezes my computer at home. sucky suck.

11:47 AM


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