I've been in Arlington for 8 months now, and still don't have a Virginia Driver's License. It hasn't been a huge deal, since I don't own a car here, (I just walk, take a cab, or ride the metro to wherever I need to go in DC). However, every now and then I need to rent cars for work, and I've been using my out-of-date PA license while telling the rental agents that I was still a PA resident. This dishonesty has weighed heavily on my heart for several months now, and it prompted me to finally take action and go to the DMV. Unfortunately, the closest DMV open on Saturday wasn't anywhere near DC.
So, I hopped on this:

And then caught this:

I got off on the right road, but the wrong stop. I thought "I'm at 2800 Gallows Road, which should be only 9 blocks from 1900 Gallows Road." So I started walking down this:

Turns out it was a bit farther than 9 blocks. 3 miles and 1 hour later, I see this:

Look closely: that's a line wrapping around the building. So then I waited in this:

Finally, I got inside, only to find that I had to take a number and wait in this:
that was funny. i had missed that one.
1:06 PM
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