A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Face, meet pole.

I was sitting on the subway today, and I watched this two year old girl running away from her mom toward the back of the train in that awkward stumble that constitutes a toddler's sprint. Unfortunately for her, the train jerked foward, catching her completely off guard, (actually, can toddlers ever be ON guard?). In any case, her face and an upright metal pole collided with a force that forever changed the appearance of both. As she sat their crying on the floor for the rest of the train ride, I made sure to make a mental note: if I ever have kids, they will be teathered to me by leashes.

And now, it's time to hop back on the subway so I can meet that special someone who can be my baby's momma!


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