A place for Ryans, sealions, and other things that bark.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Truth About Cats and Blogs

On the way back from a recruiting dinner in Philadelphia, my coworkers and I were enjoying a pleasant conversation in the Amtrak dining car, (we were eating chips, salsa and cookies, and drinking from little bottles of Chardonnay ... the snack of champions). As we approached Baltimore, I couldn't help but remember the last time I took a train from Baltimore to DC, and that prompted me to share the fiasco with my rental car from two weeks prior. As I told it, my one coworker, Michelle, mentioned "Oh, yeah, I know about this. I read it in your blog." My other coworker, who happens to be the president of the company, inquired, "Blog? Ryan, you have a blog?" I admitted that I did have one, but tried to change the subject. Luckily, we eventually moved on to other topics, and I never surrendered the address of this blog, but the fact remains: I've been outted as a blogger. While the president, (and senior members of my company) do not know of the whereabouts of this blog, I imagine that it is only a matter of time before the site address casually comes out in a future conversation with me or one of the other coworkers who know about it.

Hmmm...could this be trouble?

While I don't think it would be devastating if they discovered it, I think that this blog and senior management are two worlds that should not collide. Michelle later apologized for letting the cat out of the blog and recommended that, as a potential solution, I could make up a fake blog and post a few inoffensive entries in it. That way, if I am every confronted about the whereabouts of my blog, I could point the unwanted guests at the fake blog. But then, I'm not sure I want to spend the time to work on a fake blog, so that people at work won't read my real blog. Would it be worth it? Not sure. Any thoughts? Feelings? Riddles or jokes?

Stop it! This is no time for jokes.


Blogger Ryan said...

Well, I have this "Don't hit friends" policy, so I don't know that there will be any slapping. And plus, hitting never solved anything. Unless of course, it does solve some things. And then boy, I'd sure feel stupid for using that cliche.

3:33 PM


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